Nasir al-Din Nasir Hunzai

Dr. Allamah Nasir al-Din Nasir Hunzai (born 1917) is a Pakistani writer and poet, known for his work on Islam and the Burushaski language.

Prof. Dr. Allama Nasir ud-Din Nasir (Hub-e-Ali)Hunzai is a highly acclaimed writer on Burushaski language. He was born in 1917 in Hyderabad, a small village of Hunza. In his early childhood he was inclined towards the esoteric meanings of his faith, Islam. He was deeply inspired by the preachings and teachings of Pir Nasir Khusraw. He leads the austere life of a "sufi saint" and is a member of Isma'ili Shi'ism.

Allamah Sahib has interpreted the Qur'anic verses from a new perspective. His emphasis is on the inner meaning and wisdom of the Qur'an. He is the author of more than a hundred booklets on spirituality. He was the first writer to coin the terms 'spiritual science', 'monoreality' and 'thousand wisdoms'.

Allamah Nasir is also a Sufi poet and writer. He has written numerous books on the topics of the Qur'an, Islam, Sufism, Isma'ilism and spirituality in general. His books have been translated into English, French, Swedish, Persian, Turkish, and Gujarati.

The president of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan conferred upon Prof. Dr. Nasir al-Din Hunzai the award of Sitarah-i-Imtiyaz on 23 March 2001 in recognition of his outstanding service in the fields of literature and scholarship. He was awarded an honorary PhD degree by Senior University International in Canada where Allama Sahib has been associated for a long time as a visiting professor. He has been a pioneer in developing the first Burushaski-German dictionary in association with Heidelberg University, Germany. He has worked with a group of volunteers from the Northern Area of Pakistan in the development of the first Burushaski-English dictionary in association with Heidelberg University, Germany.


Creative and research work

A sufi poet Allama Nasir Hunzai is the author of more than hundred books/booklets on spirituality.

Some of his literary achievements & Publications
Divan e Nasir (Burushaski)
Burushaski German Dictionary
Burushaski to Urdu Dictionary Vol 1 & 2

Books ON Islam
Quran aur Ruhaniyat
Quran Hakim aur alam e Insaniyat
Meraaj e Ruh
Ruh Kiya Hay ?(What is Soul )
Kitab ul Ilaaj

Books Translated in to English
More than 90 books are translated into English some famous books list
The Wise Quran and World of Humanity
Spiritual Science
Quranic Science
A Practical Sufisim and Spiritual Science
Book Of Healing
Thousand Wisdom
Hundred Questions
Psalms of Lovers

Books In Burushaski Language

Divan e Nasir (Burushaski): Published by Khan i Hikmat
Burushaski German Dictionary: Published By Heidelberg University
First Burushaski to Urdu Dictionary Vol-1: Published by Karachi University
First Burushaski to Urdu Dictionary Vol - 2: Published by Karachi University

Buruso Birkis Published BY Khan-e-Hikmat


External links